Our references

Perg / AT

Wood power plants

Die Bioenergie Perg betreibte bereits seit 2006 ein 9000 kW-Biomasse- Heizwerk mit zwei Kesseln und 35.000 Srm Hackgutverbrauch. Nach der Genehmigung des Holzgaskraftwerkes 2017 wurden wir mit der Umsetzung der Gesamtanlage beauftragt. Drei Jahre später begann man zusammen mit Nawaro Energie die Detailplanung des von uns selbst entwickelten Rückwärtskraftwerks.

Shingu / JP

Wood power plants

The CW1800-400 X4 energy system with Jenbacher engines, which was commissioned in September 2021, have been tailored to meet the needs of wood gas. The engines are the world's first 60-Hertz wood gas engines and deliver 1.8 megawatts of power.

Altheim / AT

Wood power plants

Die Wiehag GmbH betreibt das von uns errichtete Holzkraftwerk in Altheim zur Eigenstromversorgung mit Restholz aus der eigenen BSH-Produktion. Es handelt sich dabei um ein System vom Typ CW1800-500.

Emsdetten / DE

Wood power plants

Bioenergie Ahlintel operates our first wood-fired power plant in Germany. It is a CW1800-500 system. The wood gas is efficiently converted into electricity and heat in an Innio Jenbacher 412 gas engine. The plant is operated exclusively with residual forest wood and landscape management material from the surrounding area and, among other things, supplies a local district heating network with sustainable heat.

Buch am Irchel / CH

Wood power plants

In 2020/21, we were commissioned to build a CW700-200+ wood-fired power plant for the Gut winery in Switzerland. This was a special challenge under special space conditions, but our engineers were able to solve it well in coordination with the customer. The system also has a special drying concept that was developed by the customer and then fully integrated by us into our process control system.

Frauenfeld / CH

Wood power plants

We are currently building one of the world's largest wood-fired power plants of its kind in Frauenfeld, Switzerland.


Črnkovci / HR

Wood power plants

In autumn 2020, after many pandemic-related challenges, we handed over the type CW1800-400 wood power plant to our client, the Croatian furniture manufacturer TERSA.


Ternitz / AT

Wood power plants

In September 2019, the construction of the CW1200-400 wood power plant in Ternitz began at KWS Ökokraft GmbH.

Stöcken / AT

Wood power plants

The construction of the CW1800-500 wood-fired power plant in Stöcken was carried out in the period from January to June 2019. Since the completion...

Laas / IT

Wood power plants

The construction of the CW1800x2-1000 power plant in Laas began in April 2018. Only five months later, in September, the plant was completed and ready for use.