2022 Report
19. January 2023 has summarised the Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) market in figures for the year 2022. The report is impressive and shows considerable growth in carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere.
The most important figures of the report for us:
- Purchases of high-value CDR increased by 530% from 94 000 tonnes in 2021 to 593 000 tonnes in 2022
- The total market volume of purchases of high-value CDR in 2022 was $226,418,403.
- Shipments of high-value CDR increased by 131% from 16 000 tonnes in 2021 to 37 000 tonnes in 2022.
- Biochar dominates purchases (40%), deliveries (87%) and largest suppliers (90%) in 2022.
- Biochar orders are fulfilled within 5 months of order placement, while the remaining orders take over 30 months.
- Biochar had the lowest average cost per tonne ($179), while the average price per tonne for all technologies was $403, rising to $1,662.
You can find the detailed report in English at: