Bioenergy International Issue 1/2023
21. March 2023

We are thrilled 🤩 that we and our #reversepowerplants have been featured in the renowned journal Bioenergy International! In the 1st issue of 2023, several pages were dedicated to us and our innovative solutions.
We are particularly pleased that our customer @Energiewerke Ilg, with its two reverse power plants, even made it onto the cover of the magazine! In a detailed report, his experiences and findings on the use of our technology and especially the further use of #biochar are presented. Specifically, it also looks at the innovative use of biochar in concrete, in the form of a patented additive Clim@add, developed by the German company CarStorCon Technologies
Also interviewed was our CEO Marcel Huber, explaining #SynCraft's patented technology on how valuable biochar is generated alongside electricity and heat.
The full article is available for subscribers at the following link: