Mit dem Wald gegen die Klimakrise
Climate positive cycle of a reverse power plant
Streifzug durch ausgewählte #Rückwärtskraftwerke
Tirol Change Award 2022 - Wir wurden nominiert.
White Panther Gebirgsgarnele - Kraftwerk Singsdorf
WKO Klimaheld:innen Campaign - The SynCraft Concept.
Kohle gegen das Klima - ARD Beitrag
It is so easy to plant a tree.
DiBiCoo Virtual Study Tour Biomass Gasification: Dornbirn
Klimakohle Hoffnung
SynCraft - TRIGOS 2020
Green Asphalt in Vorarlberg Heute
Pilot action: Char coal and energy from wood waste
SYNCRAFT turns Innsbruck into a smart city
Green asphalt - climate positive application in urban areas
Wood Power Plant CW1800-400 x4 in Japan
The Reverse Power Plant simply explained
SYNCRAFT wood plant CW1000-300 Innsbruck
Bundle of energy, natural talent and economic miracle
Wood is a bundle of energy
Wood power plants are natural talents
Wood power plants are economic miracles
Information brochure: All that the forest provides.
By clicking the links below you can find information material around the innovative SYNCRAFT wood power plant technology in different languages:
Datasheets wood power plants
The data sheets of the wood power plants in the currently commercially available power classes can be found under the following download links:
Further Information material
You can find further general information about wood gas technology under the following download links:
- Österreichischer Biomasseverband – Holz-Strom
- Österreichischer Biomasseverband – Wärme und Strom aus Holz
- EnergieWerk Ilg GmbH – EBC-Zertifikat
- Adsorptive removal of micropollutants from wastewater with floating-fixed-bed gasification char
- Lebenszyklusanalyse der Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung einer Holzvergasungsanlage inklusive Nahwärmenetz | Elena Käppler, FH Vorarlberg
- Poster Lebenszyklusanalyse | Elena Käppler, FH Vorarlberg
- EBI Whitepaper Pflanzenkohle 2020 | Deutsch
- EBI Whitepaper
Biochar 2020 | English - EBA Gasification: A sustainable technology for circular economies
- Basisdaten Bioenergie 2021